Wednesday, January 6, 2010

keuntungan memberikan ASI

  1. ASI lebih efisien dan murah.

  2. ASI Eklsusif ( artinya tidak ada asupan tambahan utk bayi) mencegah kehamilan hingga 98% selama 6 bulan setelah melahirkan.

  3. Selama Pemberian ASI ekslusif, ibu tidak akan mengalami menstruasi dan ini akan mengurangi resiko anemia pada ibu, menurut “institute of medicine tahun 1991″, jumlah zat besi yang digunakan tubuh untuk menyusui lebih sedikit dibandingkan ketika tubuh mengalami menstruasi.

  4. Anak yang diberi ASI ekslusif mempunyai IQ dan kemampuan intelektual lebih tinggi dibanding anak yang di berikan SUSU Formula (sample pada anak umur 7 sd 8 thn), semakin lama anak diberikan ASI semakin tinggi IQnya.

  5. ASI mengandung zat kekebalan yang membantu bayi melawan bakteri dan virus, contohnya ketika bayi terjangkit kuman, otomatis payudara akan otomatis.memproduksi antibodi baru melalui airsusu yang di produksi, untuk catatan Memompa Payudara tidak akan menghasilkan antibodi ini, karena tubuh bayi tidak bersentuhan langsung dengan tubuh ibu.

  6. ASI mengandung:
    Sel darah putih (leukocytes) yang sanggup membunuh bakteri dan virus,
    Interferon sejenis protein yang berfungsi mengidentifikasi kehadiran virus
    Lusozyme sejenis ensim untuk melawan infeksi
    dan masih banyak lagi zat2 berguna lainnya

  7. Zat Gula (laktosa) pada ASI mampu mengurangi infeksi pada bayi dan otak bayi membutuhkan laktosa dan galaktosa untuk berkembang.Sedangkan Laktosa juga dibutuhkan oleh bakteri usus yang berguna (lactobacilus bifidus) untuk berkembang.

  8. Bayi sanggup mengontrol porsi makannya jika anda memberikan asi ekslusif melalu payudara, jadi bayi tidak akan sakit kekenyangan.

  9. Rata2 Bayi yang di beri ASI lebih sedikit mengalami gangguan infeksi telinga.

  10. Bayi yang di beri susu formula 4 kali beresiko lebih tinggi terkena demam, bronitis, pneumonia dan gangguan pernafasan lainnya.

  11. Gangguan Diare 3 sampai 5 kali lebih sering dijumpai pada bayi yang di beri susu formula.

  12. Radang selaput otak/sumsum tulang belakang dan infeksi saluran kencing lebih banyak di jumpai pada bayi yang di berikan susu formula.

  13. Bayi yang di berikan susu formula 10 kali lebih sering masuk dirawat di rumah sakit karena mengalami infeksi serius di bandingkan bayi yang di beri ASI.

  14. bayi yang di berikan susu formula yang berumur 10 hari 30 kali beresiko mengidap Neonatal hypocalcemia , yang mengakibatkan kejang,sawan dan ayan ini karena susu formula mengandung phosphate yang sangat tinggi.

  15. Susu Formula diketahui menjadi penyebab bayi yang mengidap diabetes.

  16. Kanker kelenjar 5-8 kali lebih tinggi untuk bayi yang diberikan susu formula atau bayi yang diberikan ASI kurang dari 6 bulan.

  17. Pemberian ASI membantu tubuh bayi untuk mendapat kolesterol baik, ini artinya melindungi bayi dari penyakit jantung pada saat dewasa, ASI mengandung kolesterol tinggi(fatty acid) yang berguna untuk bayi dalam membangun jaringan2 saraf dan otak, Susu Sapi tidak mengandung cholesterol.

  18. Bayi yang di berikan susu formula cendrung mengidap alergi, termasuk alergi pada susu sapi dan kedelai.

  19. ASI mencegah 40% resiko Asma pada anak.

  20. Bayi yang di berikan susu formula sangat tinggi resikonya terkena ganguan pencernaan (pyloric stenosis, yang penyembuhannya harus lewat operasi.

  21. Susu formula diduga menjadi penyebab beberapa penyakit berbahaya seperti celiac , ulcerative colitis dan Chron

  22. Bayi yang di beri asi eklusif selama 3 bulan 40% beresiko lebih rendah dalam mengidap infeksi Gastrointestinal dan atopic eczema (peradangan pada kulit) (Kramer et al., JAMA #285, 2001)

  23. ASI melindungi bayi dari diarre. Diarre telah membunuh 500 bayi dan anak setiap tahunnya di amerika serikat. ASI mengandung zat2 yang disebut bakteria yang baik bagi pencernaan bayi yang dapat mengurangi bakteri yang menyebabkan diare

  24. ASI melindungi bayi dari penyakit langka botulism (Arnon 1986), penyakit ini merusak fungsi saraf, menimbulkan berbagai penyakit pernapasan, dan kelumpuhan otot.

  25. ASI membuat tulang bayi lebih kuat

  26. Kematian mendadak (SIDS) pada bayi lebih banyak dialami oleh bayi yang di berikan susu formula. Susu formula sangat rendah kandungan tryptophan yang sangat dibutuhkan badan untuk membentuk serotonin, serotonin adalah zat yang berfungsi mengatur tidur, Penelitian pada bayi yang meninggal mendadak rata2 mempunyai zat serotonin yang sangat rendah pada otak. Susu ibu sangat tinggi kandungan tryptophan. catatan: SIDS sampai sekarang masih belum ditemukan penyebab utamanya.

  27. Susu formula selalu dihubungkan sebagai salah satu penyebab autis, keterlambatan dalam berbicara dan kesulitan belajar pada bayi.

  28. ASI mengurangi penyakit gigi berlubang pada anak, (tidak berlaku pada asi dengan botol)
    Karena menyusui lewat payudara ada semacam keran, jika bayi stop menghisap, otomatis asupan ASI akan stop juga, dan tidak seperti pada botol, jadi ASI tidak akan mengumpul pada gigi dan menyebabkan gigi berlubang.

  29. Susu formula kurang mengandung DHA, omega-3 dan zat2 lainnya yang diperlukan dalam membentuk otak bayi.

  30. Asam amino pada ASI membantu perkembangan otak sedangkan Asam amino pada susu formula (susu sapi) hanya membantu pertumbuhan otot dan jaringannya.

  31. ASI mengandung zat mucin yang dibutuhkan untuk mencegah penyakit pada bayi.

  32. SUSU formula 600 kali lebih banyak mengandung zat alumunium di bandingkan ASI. Dalam beberapa kasus zat alumunium ditemukan 1000 kali lebih banyak terkandung pada susu formula di bandingkan ASI. alumunium dan alzheimers

  33. Susu formula banyak mengandung logam2 berat seperi merkuri dan timah, 20% air pencampur susu di amerika serikat terkontaminasi oleh timah, dan jika air2 ini di rebus untuk membuat steril botol susu ini akan lebih meningkatkan jumlah timah. Keracunan timah menyebabkan kerusakan otak dan saraf, gagal ginjal dll.

  34. Banyak jenis Susu formula yang terkontaminasi oleh banyak bakteri

  35. Dari 7 sampai 10 sample susu formula ditemukan dosis vitamin D yang berlebihan, 7 sampai 10 sample mengandung 200% dosis vitamin D dari yang tertera pada kemasan, bahkan ada yang dosisnya lebih dari 419% dari dosis yang tertulis pada kemasan.Kelebihan Vitamin D akan menyebabkan keracunan.

  36. Susu Formula mengandung “phthalates” (sebuah zat kimia yang digunakan dalam industri plastik), yang jika di konsumsi akan mengakibatkan kemandulan, kerusakan hati(liver) with the reproductive tract, including infertility, also liver damage, and kimia ini bersifat carcinogenic (mengandung radiasi yang menyebabkan berbagai macam kanker).

  37. Susu formula mengandung iodine dalam dosis tinggi yang akan mengganggu kerja kelenjar thyroid(Fisher 1989)

  38. Kacang kedelai hasil dari rekayasa genetika adalah bahan utama dari susu formula dari bahan kedelai

  39. Susu Formula mengandung glutamate (MSG-Asam amino) yang merusak fungsi hypothalamus pada otak – glutamate adalah salah satu zat yang dicurigai menjadi penyebab autis.

  40. Susu sapi yang digunakan untuk membuat susu formula kadangkala berasal dari sapi yang telah di beri antibiotik dan BGH(bovine growth hormone) hormon untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan hewan.

  41. Kandungan Susu Formula dapat berubah karena faktor pengolahan pada waktu di produksi di pabrik dan pada waktu pengolahan ketika akan di konsumsi oleh konsumen (contoh: air yang terkontaminasi ketika akan mencampur susu, wadah untuk susu yang terkontaminasi,dll)

  42. Komposisi ASI yang di produksi oleh tubuh ibu akan selalu sesuai dengan kebutuhan umur bayi.
    Contohnya ketika bayi terlahir prematur, ibu akan memproduksi ASI yang mengandung protein dan lemak yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan ibu yang melahirkan normal. Dan ketika bayi sudah mulai belajar makan, Protein yang terkandung pada asi akan semakin tinggi tetapi volume ASI pada payudara akan menurun.

  43. Kebutuhan vitamin bayi yang masih menyusui berbeda dengan bayi yang sudah mulai belajar makan.

  44. ASI sangat mudah dicerna bayi, karena ASI mengandung ensim yang membantu bayi untuk mencernanya, ASI mengandung ensim lemak yang mudah di cerna. Zat besi pada ASI 50%-70% dengan mudah di serap tubuh bayi dibandingkan Zat besi pada susu formula (10%) karena Susu formula tidak mengandung ensim seperti pada ASI.

  45. ASI mengandung 100 komposisi yang tidak dimiliki oleh susu formula.

  46. Otot2 rahang dan wajah ketika bayi menghisap puting ibu merasangsang pertumbuhan mulut dan gigi. Menyusui dengan Botol menyebabkan masalah pada pertumbuhan mulut dan gigi(malocclusion).

  47. Aktifitas Menyusui merangsang pertumbuhan saraf2 bayi.

  48. Menyusui mencegah dan meringankan postpartum hemorrhage (pendarahan pada rahim) karena ketika payudara di hisap merangsang tubuh ibu mengeluarkan hormon oxytocin, hormon ini berguna untuk mengerutkan rahim hingga hampir kembali seperti seukuran semula, Setiap kali anda menyusui dengan payudara anda akan merasakan kontraksi pada rahim, ini tanda2 hormon oksitosin sedang bekerja.

  49. Menyusui melindungi ibu dari kanker payudara, semakin lama ibu menyusui, semakin kecil seorang ibu terkena kanker payudara. Pada Penelitian di UK, China, Jepang, new zealand dan mexico. Byers et al. 1985; McTiernan and Thomas 1986; Furberg et al 1999, British Medical Journal #307 1993)

  50. Menyusui melindungi ibu dari kanker indung telur(Gwinn et al. 1990)

  51. Menyusui melindungi ibu dari kanker leher rahim( Brock et al. 1989 )

  52. Menyusui melindungi ibu dari osteoporosis(Aloia et al. 1985; Koetting and Wardlaw 1988 ) Setelah menyusui, kepadatan tulang ibu akan kembali seperti sebelum hamil bahkan lebih baik (Sowers 1995)

  53. Menyusui menurunkan resiko dari “hip fractures” setelah menopause. (Cummings 1993)

  54. Menyusui merubah berat yang di peroleh ketika masa kehamilan menjadi susu, seorang ibu yang menyusui tidak perlu diet untuk mengembalikan postur tubuh sebelum kehamilan, karena memproduksi asi membutuhkan 600-800 kalori sehari ini sebanding dengan bersepeda pada tanjakan selama 1 jam atau berenang 30 kali putaran.

  55. Prolactin, adalah salah satu hormon yang di produksi ketika menyusui, kegunaan hormon ini adalah mengurangi stres (adrenalin) (Altemus 1995) . Prolactin dijuluki hormon keibuan “mothering hormone” dan membantu ikatan ibu dan anaknya. Hormon prolactin ini efeknya sangat kuat, Pada penelitian , hormon ini diberikan pada ayam2 jago petarung dan ketika di suntikkan ayam2 ini menjadi enggan untuk bertarung.

  56. Pemberian Susu Formula sangat merepotkan, menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk mencuci botol susu dan aksesoriesnya saja membutuhkan waktu 1 jam dalam sehariapalagi jika sedang jauh dari rumah dan harus memberikan susu pada bayi, ibu akan kesulitan untuk menghangatkan susu pada botol tersebut.

  57. Pemberian susu dengan payudara sangat simple, dibandingkan dengan botol susu anda harus bangun dari tidur, menghangatkan botol dan duduk ketika anda harus memberikan susu.

  58. Bayi2 yang disusui dengan susu formula cendrung mengalami sembelit (konstipasi), sedangkan ASI mengandung zat pencahar alami yang membantu bayi buang air besar.

  59. Bayi yang disusui lebih langsing di bandingkan Bayi yang diberikan Susu formula cendrung obesitas(study “DARLING” pada University of California 1992)

  60. Kolostrum (air susu yg keluar pertama) sangat berguna, pada bulan pertama pencernaan bayi belum matang , mirip seperti saringan yang membiarkan benda asing (proten alergenik) masuk ke aliran darah bayi yang berpotensi menyebabkan alergi. IgA (imunoglobulin) dalam ASI menyediakan selaput pelindung yang berguna untuk menutup kebocoran dalam lapisan usus dan mencegah lewatnya kuman serta zat2 penyebab alergi yang tidak diundang.

  61. Memberikan ASI = Mengimuniasi bayi anda setiap waktu.

  62. ASI mengandung lemak yang sangat baik dan mudah tercerna, Bayi2 yang disusui ASI, mempunyai kotoran yang lembut dan bayi2 yang diberi susu formula kotorannya bertekstur lebih kasar dan baunya lebih tidak sedap. Ini menandakan tidak semua Zat dalam susu Formula dapat terserap oleh tubuh bayi.

  63. Penyusuan dengan Payudara, membuat ibu yang sibuk menjadi lebih relaks setelah bekerja dan membantu ibu2 yang mempunyai kesulitan tidur untuk relaks.

  64. Penyusuan adalah latihan seorang ibu dalam membaca karakter bayi anda. Orang tua yang mengetahui karakter/sifat anak, akan lebih mudah untuk mendidiknya.

  65. Penglihatan pada anak lebih baik pada anak yang diberi ASI.

  66. Penyusuan Membantu Jantung. ASI tidak banyak mengandung garam dibandingkan dengan susu formula sehingga sangat baik bagi bayi yang mengalami kelainan jantung (Congenital Heart Disease), ada mitos yang mengatakan menyusu lewat payudara akan melelahkan bayi, tapi penelitian terbaru justru mengatakan sebaliknya. Bayi hanya menggunakan sedikit energi dan bernapas dengan efisien ketika sedang menyusu pada ibunya dari pada dengan botol susu.

  67. Pemberian susu formula pada bayi perempuan meningkatkan resiko kanker payudara ketika dewasa (sebelum menopause atau setelah masa menopause), ibu yang menyusui ASI, walaupun dalam waktu pendek, perempuan yang dimasa kecilnya disusui dengan ASI walaupun hanya sebentar, lebih rendah 25% resikonya terkena kanker payudara di banding perempuan yang pernah disusui dengan susu formula.
  68. Asi membantu bayi melepaskan meconium. Bayi selalu lahir dengan bahan lengket seperti aspal (meconium) pada pencernaanya. Kolostrum atau ASI pertama, secara unik dirancang untuk membantu meconium untuk dapat keluar dari pencernaan bayi.
  69. ASI melindungi bayi dari penyakit Crohn’s (kelainan usus)
    Penyakit Chohn’s adalah sebuah penyakit kelainan usus yang kronis. Penyakit ini sulit untuk dirawat, beberapa penelitian mengatakan bahwa ASI membantu bayi mencegah penyakit ini berkembang ketika dewasa kelak.
    Rigas A, Rigas B, Blassman M, et al. “Breast-feeding and maternal smoking in the etiology of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in childhood.” Ann Epidemiol. 1993;3387-392

    Koletzko S, Sherman P, Corey M, et al. “Role of infant feeding practices in development of Crohn’s disease in childhood.” Br Med J. 1989;298:1617-1618

  70. Menyusui ASI dapat membantu mengurangi kadar insulin pada ibu yang terkena diabetes. Davies, H.A., “Insulin Requirements of Diabetic Women who Breast Feed.” British Medical Journal, 1989
  71. Breastfeeding may help stabilize progress of maternal endometriosis
    Endometriosis is a disease in which the endometrial tissue in a woman’s body begins to form in places other than her uterus, such as on her ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the outer surface of the uterus. This tissue continues to function like uterine tissue would in the uterus, and sheds once a month during the woman’s menstrual cycle. Since there is no vaginal outlet for this blood and tissue, painful complications, including sterility, may result. There is much clinical research showing that pregnancy temporarily stops the progress of this disease. Many women say that the disease also seems to be alleviated by breastfeeding. It certainly makes sense that the delay in the return of a woman’s menstrual cycle would be desirable in preventing the endometriosis from starting up again. Some women even claim a permanent cure.
    Annie Havard, “Breastfeeding – a cure for endometriosis”, Allaiter ajourd’hui, Quarterly Bulletin of LLL France, No. 25, Oct. – Dec. 1995
  72. Not breastfeeding increases mother’s risk of developing endometrial cancer
    A World Health Organization study has shown that the longer a woman breastfeeds, the less likely she is to get endometrial cancer.
    Rosenblatt, KA et al “Prolonged lactation and endometrial cancer” Int. J. Epidemiol. 1995; 24:499-503
  73. Breastfeeding protects baby against bacterial meningitis
    Meningitis is an infection which causes the inflammation of the membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by a type of bacteria called Hemophilus influenzae type b (HiB). Breastfeeding is protective against infections caused by this bacteria, and the meningitis which may result.
    Cochi SL, Fleming DW, Hightower AW, et al. “Primary invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease: a population-based assessment of risk factors.” J Pediatr. 1986;108:997-896
    Istre GR, Conner JS, Broome CV, et al. “Risk factors for primary invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease: increased risk from day care attendance and school-aged household members.” J Pediatr. 1985;106:190-198
  74. Formula fed babies have a higher risk of developing certain childhood cancers
    In a study done by researchers at the University of Minnesota it was found that babies who were breast fed for at least one month had a 21% less chance of getting leukemia than formula fed babies. The risk was 30% for children breast fed for 6 months.
    Shu X-O, et al. “Breastfeeding and the risk of childhood acute leukemia”. J Natl Cancer Inst 1999; 91: 1765-72
  75. Breastfeeding decreases chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis
    Recent results from a Swedish study indicate that breastfed babies were less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis as adults. An earlier University of North Carolina/Duke University study had indicated breastfed children were only 40% as likely to develop juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
    Jacobsson LTH et al “Perinatal Characteristics and risk of rheumatoid arthritis” BMJ 2003; 326: 1068-1069 .”Mother’s Milk: An Ounce of Prevention?” Arthritis Today May-June 1994
  76. Breastfeeding decreases child’s chances of contracting Hodgkins disease
    Hodgkins disease is a type of lymphoma, or cancer of the lymph system. It can develop in children, although it is less likely to do so in children who were breastfed as infants.
    “An Exploratory Study of Environmental and Medical Factors Potentially Related to Childhood Cancer.” Medical & Pediatric Oncology, 1991; 19(2):115-21
  77. Breastfeeding decreases child’s chances of contracting Hodgkins disease
    Hodgkins disease is a type of lymphoma, or cancer of the lymph system. It can develop in children, although it is less likely to do so in children who were breastfed as infants.
    “An Exploratory Study of Environmental and Medical Factors Potentially Related to Childhood Cancer.” Medical & Pediatric Oncology, 1991; 19(2):115-21
  78. Breast milk aids in proper intestinal development
    The gastrointestinal system of a newborn baby is not yet mature. It is still permeable, allowing bacteria, viruses and toxins to pass through. This intestinal permeability decreases more slowly in formula-fed babies. According to Dr. Jack Newman “…certain hormones in milk (such as cortisol) and smaller proteins (including epidermal growth factor, nerve growth factor, insulin-like growth factor and somatomedin C) act to close up the leaky mucosal lining of the newborn, making it relatively impermeable to unwanted pathogens and other potentially harmful agents. Indeed, animal studies have demonstrated that postnatal development of the intestine occurs faster in animals fed their mother’s milk. And animals that also receive colostrum, containing the highest concentrations of epidermal growth factor, mature even more rapidly.”
    Newman, J, MD, FRCPC “How Breast milk Protects Newborns”
    Shulman et al “Early feeding, feeding tolerance and lactase activity in preterm infants.” J Pediatr 1998; 133:645-649
    Catassi et al “Intestinal permeability changes coloring the first month; effect of natural versus artificial feeding.” J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1995; 21: 383-386
  79. Cow’s milk is an intestinal irritant
    According to Dr. William Sears, MD, cow’s milk should not be given as a beverage to infants under one year of age. “Cow’s milk can irritate the lining of your infant’s intestines, causing tiny losses of iron. This can contribute to iron-deficiency anemia.”
    The Baby Book – Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby From Birth to Age Two c. 1992, 2003 William Sears, MD and Martha Sears, RN, Little, Brown & Co.
  80. Breastfed babies have less chance of cardiopulmonary distress while feeding
    Bottle-fed babies are at increased risk of cardiopulmonary disturbances, including prolonged airway closure and obstructed respiratory breaths due to repeated swallowing. According to one study, infants can experience oxygen saturation below 90% when bottle feeding. Nine of 50 healthy term infants in one study experienced bradycardia during bottle feeding. Six of these episodes were preceded by apnea, three showed hypopnea (marked reduction in ventilation) and one had certral apnea (no respiratory efforts).
    Koenig HS, Davies Am, Thach BT. “Coordination of breathing, sucking and swallowing during bottle feedings in human infants.” J Appl Physiol 69: 1629: 1623-1629, 1990.
    Matthew O, Clark ML, Ponske MH. Apnea, bradycardia, and cyanosis during oral feeding in term neonates.” J Pediatr 106:857, 1985
  81. Breastfed babies have less chance of developing ulcerative colitis
    Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes ulceration and inflammation of the inner lining of the colon and rectum. A number of studies have shown that breastfed babies are less likely to develop this disease.
    Rigas A, Rigas B, Blassman M, et al. “Breast-feeding and maternal smoking in the etiology of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in childhood.” Ann Epidemiol. 1993;3387-392
  82. Breast milk protects against hemophilus b. bacteria
    Hemophilus influenzae type b is a bacteria which can grow in the respiratory tract with no symptoms, but may spread into the throat, ears or blood and cause grave illness. Breastfed babies are much less vulnerable to such an overgrowth. . Interestingly, a 1999 Swedish study found that even 5 – 10 years later, children who had been breastfed were much less likely to contract hemophilus b.
    Silfverdal et al, “Protective effects of breastfeeding: an ecological study of haemophilus influenzae (HI) meningitis and breastfeeding in a Swedish population.” Int J Epidem 1999; 28:152-6
    Cochi SL, Fleming DW, Hightower AW, et al. “Primary invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease: a population-based assessment of risk factors.” J Pediatr. 1986;108:997-896
    Istre GR, Conner JS, Broome CV, et al. “Risk factors for primary invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease: increased risk from day care attendance and school-aged household members.” J Pediatr. 1985;106:190-198
  83. Breastfed babies require shorter pre- and post-surgical fasting
    Breastfeeding may continue until three hours before arrival time at the hospital in healthy children having elective surgery.
    Schreiner, M.S. “Preoperative and Postoperative fasting in children.” Ped Clinics N Amer 41 (1); 111-20 (1994)
  84. Breastfeeding results in less sick days for parents
    Since breastfed babies are statistically healthier than their formula fed peers, the parents of breastfed babies spend less time out of work taking care of sick children.
  85. Breastfeeding enhances vaccine effectiveness
    Breastfed infants showed better serum and secretory responses to oral and parenteral vaccines than those formula-fed.

    Han-Zoric, M., “Antibody responses to parenteral and oral vaccines are impaired by conventional and low protein formulas as compared to breastfeeding.” Acta Paediatr Scand 1990; 79:1137-42

  86. Breastfed babies have less chance of developing necrotizing enterocolitis
    This disease occurs most commonly in premature or sick newborns. In NEC the lining of the intestinal wall dies and sloughs off. Premature infants fed their own mother’s milk or banked human milk are one sixth to one tenth as likely to develop NEC. One Australian study has estimated that 83% of NEC cases may be attributed to lack of breastfeeding.

    Updegrove, K “Necrotizing Enteroclolitis: The evidence for use of human milk in prevention and treatment.” J Hum Lact 2004; 20: 335-339

    Drane, D. “Breastfeeding and formula feeding: a preliminary economic analysis” Breastfeed Rev 1997; 5:7-15

    Convert RF, Barman N, Comanico RS, et al. “Prior enteral nutrition with human milk protects against intestinal perforation in infants who develop necrotizing enterocolitis.” Pediatr Res. 1995; 37:305A. Abstract

    Lucas A, Cole TJ. “Breast milk and neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis.” Lancet. 1990; 336:519-1523

  87. Formula costs the government (and taxpayers) millions of dollars
    The U.S. government spends more than $2,665,715 a year to provide formula for the children of non-breastfeeding mothers participating in the WIC supplemental food program. Of course, this doesn’t take into consideration the additional costs of caring for those infants who are statistically much more likely to get sick. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, higher breastfeeding rates could reduce US health care costs by $3.6 billion per year.

    Riordan, J “The cost of not breastfeeding: a commentary” J Hum Lact 1997; 13(2) 93-97

    A.A.P. Breastfeeding Policy Statement: Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk Pediatrics Vol. 115 No. 2 February 2005


  88. Breastfed babies require fewer doctor visits. Since breastfed babies are statistically healthier, they see the doctor less often. (Kaiser Permanente: Internal research to determine benefits of sponsoring an official lactation program – 1995)
  89. Breast milk always has the right proportions of fat, carbohydrates and protein
    Formula companies are constantly adjusting these proportions looking for the best composition. The reality is that a mother’s milk composition changes from feeding to feeding depending on the needs of her child. No formula can do that! According to the American Dietetic Association “human milk provides optimal nutrition to the infant with its dynamic composition and the appropriate balance of nutrients provided in easily digestible and bioavailable forms.”
  90. Fewer waste packaging products
    No wrappers, canisters, disposable bottles etc…
    “If every child in America were bottle-fed, almost 86,000 tons of tin would be needed to produce 550 million cans for one year’s worth of formula. If every mother in Great Britain breastfed, 3000 tons of paper (used for formula labels) would be saved in a year. But formula is not the only problem. Bottles and nipples require plastic, glass, rubber, and silicon; production of these materials can be resource-intensive and often leads to end-products that are not-recyclable. All these products use natural resources, cause pollution in their manufacture and distribution and create trash in their packaging, promotion, and disposal.”

    “Mother Nature Loves Breastmilk” D. Michels, Pub. various periodicals, available on Internet at
  91. Breastfeeding may lower the risk of developing high cholesterol
    A recent British study found that breastfeeding seems to be associated with lower levels of damaging cholesterol in adulthood. The authors concluded that breastfeeding may have long-term benefits for cardiovascular health. Owen CG et al (2002) “Infant Feeding and Blood Cholesterol: A Study in Adolescents and a Systemic Review” Pediatrics 110: 597-608
  92. No need to refrigerate
    Of course, breast milk stays fresh because it’s made on demand. Even pumped breast milk keeps for a long time outside of the fridge.
    Check out the guidelines for storing breast milk at
  93. Breast milk aids in the proper development of a baby’s gastrointestinal tract
  94. “The cells of the mature intestinal lining are tightly packed together so that potential allergens cannot seep through into the bloodstream. But in the early months, the lining of a baby’s immature intestines is more like a sieve, allowing potential allergens to get through, which sets the infant…up for allergies and infections. Breast milk contains a special protein called imunoglobulin A (IgA), which acts like a protective sealant in the digestive tract…Breast milk also contains a special substance called epidermal growth factor (EGF), which promotes the growth of the cells lining baby’s intestines as well as other surface cells, such as the cells of the skin. “The Breastfeeding Book, Copyright 2000, M. Sears, R.N. and Wm. Sears, M.D.. Little Brown and Co.
    Also see La Leche League’s FAQ’s
  95. Breast milk provides natural pain relief for baby
  96. Breast milk actually contains chemicals that suppress pain (endorphins). Aside from this, the comfort a baby derives from being held close and suckling is remarkable. Many a bruise or scrape has been soothed away almost instantly by a few moments of nursing. If you choose to have your child vaccinated, it is a good idea to nurse immediately after he/she receives a vaccination. This soothes the hurt, as well as enhancing the vaccine’s effectiveness.
  97. Babies that nurse are happier at night
    A baby that gets its night time needs met quickly is more likely to get right back to sleep than a baby who has to wait for a bottle while crying and swallowing air.
  98. Less equipment to maintain and storeThose bottles, measuring devices, sterilizing equipment and other gadgets take up shelf space and they all require cleaning.
  99. Less equipment to buy
    Unless you pump. Even if you do have to buy a pump and the basic bottle kit, the savings in cost of formula and additional medical attention make breastfeeding financially well worth trying.
  100. Breastmilk has never been recalled due to manufacturing problems
    Formula has been, sometimes after causing injury or death. There were 22 “significant” recalls of formula including 7 potentially life threatening situations.
    Babbit, V, “FDA Recalls Baby Formula, 1998″,, Inc.
  101. Fresh breast milk is never contaminated with bacteria
    In fact, it has antibacterial properties.
  102. No need to worry about which brand is better
  103. Each artificial breast milk formula is different from all its competitors, but none of them come close to duplicating the real thing. It can be very stressful for formula feeding mothers to try to determine which brand is the best of the lot. No matter which formula is used “it is increasingly apparent that infant formula can never duplicate human milk. Human milk contains living cells, hormones, active enzymes, immunoglobulins and compounds with unique structures that cannot be replicated in infant formula.”(Quoted from FDA pediatric-nutrition researchers at Abbott Laboratories, writing in March, 1994 issue of Endocrine Regulations.)
  104. No need to worry about adding contaminated water
    Even in regions of the world where bacterial contamination is not an issue, water can contain dangerous elements like arsenic, lead and aluminum. These contaminants can become concentrated if water is boiled to sterilize it before being added to formula.
  105. Breastfed babies get fewer stomach infections
    According to a study of 17,046 mother and infant pairs in Belarus, breastfed infants had a significant reduction in risk of gastro-intestinal infection. Kramer et al “Promotion of Breastfeeding Intervention Trial” JAMA 2001; 285: 413-420
  106. Facilitates proper dental and jaw development
    Nursing is good for a baby’s tooth and jaw development. Babies drinking from the human breast have to use as much as 60 times more energy to get food than do those drinking from a bottle. Obviously, a nursing baby’s jaws are receiving much more exercise as she pulls her mother’s milk into her mouth. Apparently, this constant gentle pulling assists the growth of well-formed jaws and straight, healthy teeth. Among breastfed infants, the longer the duration of nursing, the less chance of dental malocclusion.

    The Complete Book Of Breastfeeding M.S. Eiger. MD, S. Wendkos Olds, Copyright 1972, 1987 Comstock, Inc., Workman Publishing Co., Inc., 708 Broadway, New York, NY 10003

    Labbok, M.H. “Does Breastfeeding Protect against Malocclusion? An Analysis of the 1981 Child Health Supplement to the National Health Interview Survey” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1987

  107. Breastfed babies have less tooth decay
    Breast milk contains bacteria fighting cells that may help kill the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Furthermore, bottle-fed babies “are at increased risk for baby bottle caries, a destructive dental condition which occurs when a baby is put to bed with a bottle containing formula, milk, juice or other fluids high in carbohydrates. Extensive dental repair may be required at a cost of thousands of dollars.” Furthermore, breast milk contains bacteria fighting cells that may help kill the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

    Loesche WJ, “Nutrition and dental decay in infants.” Am J Clin Nutr 41; 423-435, 1985

  108. Less money spent on corrective orthodontia
    The longer you breastfeed, the more likely the babies teeth will come in properly. If the teeth come in straight, there’s no need to fix them.
  109. Better speech development
    Tongue thrust problems often develop among bottle-fed babies as they try to slow down the flow of milk coming from an artificial nipple. This can lead to speech problems later on. “Early weaning may lead to the interruption of proper oral motor development provoking alterations to the posture and strength of the speech organs and harming the functions of chewing, swallowing, breathing, and articulation of speech sounds. The lack of physiological sucking on the breast may interfere in the oral motor development, possibly causing malocclusion, oral respiration and oral motor disorders.”

    Neiva et al, J Pediatr (Rio J) 2003;79(1):07-12

  110. Less chance of baby getting eczema
    A number of studies have indicated that breastfed babies are less likely to develop eczema – an itchy skin rash

    Kramer, M et al “Promotion of breastfeeding Intervention Trial” JAMA 2001; 285: 413-420

    Saarinen UM, Kajosaari M “Breastfeeding as prophylaxis against atopic disease: prospective follow-up study until 17 years of age.” Lancet. 1995; 346:1065-69.

  111. Breastfed babies have great skin
    You don’t have to refer to the many studies showing that breastfed babies have less eczema and fewer rashes. Check out the skin of a breastfed baby and see what you think.
  112. Less spit-up
    Breastfed newborns demonstrate gastroesophageal reflux (spit-up) episodes of significantly shorter duration that formula fed newborns

    Heacock, H.J. “Influence of Breast vs. Formula Milk in Physiologic Gastroesophageal Reflux in Healthy Newborn Infants” Jour. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 1992 January; 14(1): 41-6

  113. Breast milk contains no genetically engineered materials
    Most consumers are completely unaware of how much genetically engineered food they are consuming because the U.S. government does not require this food to be labeled as such. Genetic ID, a company in Fairfield, Iowa, tested four soy-based baby formulas for genetically engineered ingredients. All four, Carnation Alsoy, Similac Neocare, Isomil and Enfamil Prosobee, tested positive.

    (See “Biotechnology’s Bounty”, M.Burros, N.Y. Times 05/21/97

  114. Breast Milk contains no synthetic growth hormones
    Since many cows in the U.S. are now routinely ingesting synthetic growth hormones to artificially increase their milk production, it stands to reason that these hormones are also getting into the U.S. formulas.
  115. Lack of breastfeeding associated with multiple sclerosis in later life
    Although thought to be multifactorial in origin, and without a clearly defined etiology, lack of breastfeeding does appear to be associated with an increased incidence of multiple sclerosis.

    Pisacana A, et al “Breastfeedig and multiple sclerosis” BMJ 1994; 308: 1411-2 (28 May)

  116. Less chance of inguinal hernia
    The inguinal canal brings down the spermatic cord and certain vessels to the groin area. A hernia is a defect in the opening where these things pass through from the abdomen to the groin because the canal opening gets too big or tears off. The hernia allows abdominal contents to get down into the groin area.

    Breastfeeding is protective against inguinal hernias. For unknown reasons breastfed babies experience significantly fewer of them. Human milk contains gonadotropin releasing hormone, which may affect the development of a baby boy’s testicles.

    Pisacane, A. “Breast-feeding and inguinal hernia” Journal of Pediatrics 1995: Vol 127, No. 1, pp 109-111

  117. Better cognitive development for low birth weight babies
    In 771 low birth weight infants, babies whose mothers chose to provide breast milk had an 8 point advantage in mean Bayley’s mental developmental index over infants of mothers choosing not to do so.
    Morley, R., “Mothers Choice to provide Breast Milk and Developmental Outcome”. Arch Dis Child, 1988
  118. Better social development
    The psychomotor and social development of breastfed babies clearly differs from that of bottle fed ones and leads at the age of 12 months to significant advantages of the psychomotor and social capabilities.
    Baumgartner, C.,”Psychomotor and Social Development of Breast Fed and Bottle Fed babies During their First year of Life”. Acta Paediatrica Hungarica, 1984
  119. Suckling optimizes hand-to-eye coordination
    It isn’t completely clear why, but breastfed infants are able to see and manipulate objects quicker than their formula fed counterparts. This is one of the many benefits of breastfeeding that are still being explored.
  120. Breastfeeding is a self confidence booster for mom
    There is nothing more amazing than looking at a plump six month old baby and knowing that the only nutrition this happy little creature has received has come from your own body.
  121. Breast milk may help combat eye infections
    Breast milk contains natural antibiotic qualities, and many mothers swear that a squirt in the irritated eye of their baby has cleared up the problem in short order.
  122. Breastfeeding may lower blood pressure in Childhood
    A 2004 study of 4763 British children showed that 7.5 years later, those who were breastfed as infants had lower blood pressure compared with those who were never breastfed. In another new study from the U.K., a small but important reduction in adult diastolic blood pressure is associated with having been breastfed as an infant.
  123. No worry about latest ingredient discovered to be missing from formula
    There is no formula that can duplicate human milk because, as the FDA recognized in a recent statement “…the exact chemical makeup of breast milk is still unknown.” “Formula-fed infants depend on products which can be quite different from each other, but which are continually being found deficient in essential nutrients… These nutrients are then added, usually after damage has occurred in infants or overwhelming market pressure forces the issue.”

    M. Walker, R.N., International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, The Journal Of Human Lactation, Sept 1993

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